MALCOLM X E-BOOK: Over 1,200 Pages of Speeches, Debates and Interviews
Never before published, Malcolm X: Collected Speeches, Debates and Interviews (1960-1965) is a 1,200-page e-book in PDF format compiling every available Malcolm X speech, debate and interview. There has NEVER been this many of Malcolm X's speeches and interviews available in one book. THIS BOOK IS FREE WITH ANY ORDER.
- Barry Gray Interview March 10, 1960)
- The Negro’s Position in the Recent American Society (May 3, 1960)
- Mr. Muhammad Speaks Radio Broadcast (1960)
- Mr. Muhammad Speaks Radio Broadcast (1960)
- The American Negro: Problems and Solutions (March 24, 1961)
- Speech at the The Embassy Auditorium (April 16, 1961)
- Open Mind: The Black Muslims in America (April 23, 1961)
- Harlem Freedom Rally (May 13, 1961)
- Open Mind: The New Negro (October 15, 1961)
- Bayard Rustin Debate (October 30, 1961)
- Eleanor Fischer Interview(1961)
- Bayard Rustin Debate (February 15, 1962)
- Dick Elman Interview (May 1, 1962)
- The Crisis of Racism (May 1, 1962)
- Ronald Stokes Memorial Service (May 5, 1962)
- Ed Harvey Interview (September 26, 1962)
- Yale Law School Auditorium (October 20, 1962)
- Black Man’s History (December 12, 1962)
- On the Asiatic Black Man (1962)
- Michigan State University (January 23, 1963)
- City Desk Interview (March 17, 1963)
- The Black Revolution (April 8, 1963)
- Red Benson Interview (April 26, 1963)
- Alex Haley Interview (May 6, 1963)
- WUST-FM Interview (May 12, 1963)
- Abyssinian Baptist Church (June 12, 1963)
- Open Mind: Race Relations in Crisis (June 12, 1963)
- Dr. Kenneth Clark Interview (June 4, 1963)
- Dr. Kenneth Clark WGBH Interview (June 24, 1963)
- Letter to Martin Luther King (July 31, 1963)
- James Baldwin Debate (September 5, 1963)
- The Old Negro and the New Negro (September, 1963)
- Address to the Ford Hall Forum (October 6, 1963)
- UC Berkeley Interview (October 11, 1963)
- UC Berkeley Speech (October 11, 1963)
- Austin Clarke Interview (October 13, 1963)
- A Message to the Grassroots (November 10, 1963)
- Columbia University (November 20, 1963)
- God’s Judgment of White America (December 1, 1963)
- A Visit From the FBI (February 4, 1964)
- Letter to Elijah Muhammad (March 11, 1964)
- A Declaration of Independence (March 12, 1964)
- A. B. Spellman Interview (March 17, 1964)
- Leverett House Forum (March 18, 1964)
- The Ballot or the Bullet (April 3, 1964)
- The Ballot or the Bullet (April 12, 1964)
- Letter From Mecca (April 20, 1964)
- Letter from Nigeria (May 10, 1964)
- Letter from Ghana (May 11, 1964)
- University of Ghana Speech (May 13, 1964)
- Return from Mecca Press Conference (May 21, 1964)
- The Harlem Hate Gang Scare (May 29, 1964)
- Robert Penn Warren Interview (June 2, 1964)
- Ed Harvey Interview (June 4, 1964)
- Bob Kennedy Interview (June 25, 1964)
- OAAU Founding Rally (June 28, 1964)
- Telegram to Martin Luther King (June 30, 1964)
- Second OAAU Rally (July 5, 1964)
- Milton Henry Interview (July 24, 1964)
- African Summit Conference (August 21, 1964)
- Second African Summit Conference (August 21, 1964)
- Racism: The Cancer That is Destroying America (August 25, 1964)
- OAAU Homecoming Rally (November 29, 1964)
- Les Crane Interview (December 27, 1964)
- Oxford Union Debate (December 3, 1964)
- HARYOU-ACT Forum (December 12, 1964)
- Abdulrahman Mohamed Babu Introduction (December 13, 1964)
- The African Revolution and its Impact Upon the American Negro (December 16, 1964)
- Fannie Lou Hamer Introduction (December 20, 1964)
- By Any Means Necessary (December 20, 1964)
- Bernice Bass Interview (December 27, 1964)
- Claude Lewis Interview (December 31, 1964)
- Speech to SNCC Civil Rights Workers (January 1, 1965)
- Front Page Challenge (January 5, 1965)
- Prospects for Freedom in 1965 (January 7, 1965)
- Young Socialist Magazine Interview (January 18, 1965)
- Pierre Berton Interview (January 19, 1965)
- On Afro-American History (January 24, 1965)
- Harry Ring Interview (January 28, 1965)
- Irving Kupcinet Interview (January 30, 1965)
- The Oppressed Masses of the World Cry Out for Action
Against the Common Oppressor (February 11, 1965) - After the Firebombing (February 14, 1965)
- There’s a Worldwide Revolution Going On (February 15, 1965)
- Not Just an American Problem, But a World Problem (February 16, 1965)
- Stan Bernard Interview (February 18, 1965)
- Al-Muslimoon Magazine Interview (February 20, 1965)
- Program of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (February 21, 1965)